
What it's? 🔎

Discord XPlus is a module where adds a level manager with mongoDB like database, you can customize it and also use events for better experience.

  • Easy-to-use XP framework for bots, with MongoDB as the default database (other databases may be implemented in the future)
  • If you encounter any issues, feel free to open an issue in the github repository
  • Apologies for any misspellings, as English is not my native language.


  • ⚡ Easy to use
  • 📝 Object-oriented
  • 📚 Documentation
  • 📡 Automatic saving
  • ⚙️ Customizable (ranks, achievements, calculate xp to level up, etc)
  • 🎇 Events (levelUp, rankUp, rankUp, rankDown, bypass, etc)
  • 🎪 Multi-server support
  • 📈 and more...

Where I can have more information?

If you want to learn more about Discord XPlus, you can check out the documentation page by clicking the link below. The documentation provides information about events, classes, managers, and more.



Install the package with:

  npm install discord-xplus

or update with:

  npm update discord-xplus


- 16 April 2023 (v 2.0.0):

Rebuilt the entire module, now it is more stable and has more features, also the documentation has been updated.

Added new methods, and now you can add custom ranks and achievements, also you can modify the function that calculates the xp to level up, basically constructor options has been modified.

Multi-server support, now you can use the same database for multiple servers, with each server having its own ranks and achievements (For more information, please refer to the documentation).

New events and new classes, such as Guild, Rank, Achievement, etc.

IMPORTANT: If you are using the previous version, you will need to update your code, as the new version has a different structure with a different database model and manager methods.

TYPESCRIPT: Some classes have the same name as discord.js classes, proceed with caution. For example: Guild, User, UserManager, etc.

- 21 December (v 1.1.1)

Fixed bug that causes an autosave every 10 seconds, now it works with the constructor option.

- 21 December 2022 (v 1.1.0)

Added new methods, it is now possible to create custom ranks and add them to the admin, you can also modify the function that calculates the xp to level up, basically constructor options has been modified.

- 20 December 2022 (v 1.1.0)

Six new ranks and better saving system, it is now possible to save custom ranks in each guild or if you prefer you can save them as global ranks (every new guild has the global ranks but only if you modified it if not then they will be the default ones).